Horizon Family Solutions Announces an Innovative New Website Targeting Parents and Professionals Searching For Residential Treatment and Wilderness Program Information and Services
(Bend, Oregon) February 2, 2009 - Dore Frances, M.A. today unveiled TroubledTeenHelp.com, an innovative new website targeting parents and professionals searching for residential treatment and wilderness program information and services.
“In order for many residential treatment centers and wilderness programs to remain competitive, cost-effective, and current in their online marketing endeavors, they must consider as a vital tool for meeting their evolving needs. “ |
“The focal point of our site is to simplify the Internet search for parents and professionals by providing a cost-effective one-stop solution for program search as well as articles of interest. “ |
Residential treatment and wilderness program business owners and professionals can attest first hand to the mind-boggling evolution that has taken shape in the Internet Marketing Landscape since the late 90s. The shift from cool looking but highly ineffective banner ads to such emerging technologies as Social Search, Blog Marketing and Mobile Media has provided diversely creative opportunities for delivering targeted marketing messages to the right audience. These are exciting times for those working in the Residential Treatment and Wilderness Treatment industry and it is a time that is presenting some daunting challenges when striving to keep pace with the present light-speed movement of this high paced industry. Many programs and schools are experiencing continual skill and service gaps in their Internet Marketing efforts. The challenges and expense of hiring diversely skilled Internet Marketing Specialists in-house has many businesses exploring other options to meet their growing needs.
Dore Frances, M.A., founder of Horizon Family Solutions, reported "Outsourcing has become a practical necessity for many new and existing residential and wilderness programs attempting to operate in this competitive industry.”
She added, "In order for many residential and wilderness programs to remain competitive, cost-effective, and current in their online marketing endeavors, they must consider outsourcing as a vital tool for meeting their evolving needs."
At TroubledTeenHelp.com, programs and schools can post breaking news, conferences, articles, press releases, as well as advertise.
TroubledTeenHelp.com also suggests that all advertisers on her site or any other site use the Google Analytics tool to effectively gain rich insights into their website traffic with Advanced Segmentation, Custom Reporting, Motion Charts, and more.
Frances also sees an increasing number of Internet Marketing sites emerging to address the growing demand for the advertising of residential treatment centers and wilderness programs.
She pointed out, "There are many Internet Marketing sites that are free and then there are those that charge hundreds of dollars per month for each individual advertisement. You need to know who you are doing business with and what results you are receiving for your precious dollars at work. Some of these sites are very outdated and a parent could spend many hours searching and then receive incorrect information. Other sites advertise anyone who is willing to pay and may add Boot Camps or other programs to their site that they would themselves not even entrust their own child to attend. This is not in the best interest of a child. You need to know that these are “safe search” sites for parents when needing to make a choice about their child. This is critical.”
Frances emphasized that TroubledTeenHelp.com is committed to watching the emerging Internet Marketing Trends of this industry and continuing to update in new areas. Also, the advertisers they accept must meet certain criteria and not all advertisers will be accepted.
“The focal point of our site is to simplify the safe Internet search for parents and professionals by providing a cost-effective one-stop solution for program and school searches that are in the best interest of the child and the family.”
This new site launched January 26, 2009. For more information about advertising, please visit TroubledTeenHelp.com