How many days, weeks, months or years since your troubled teen first started exhibiting behavior that made you realize that you needed more help? Please pat yourself on the back that you are taking this very first and most difficult step.
Not take a deep breath as well. The journey has just begun. Many parents fail to get this far because of too much anxiety about what this may all mean, concerns over news reports that programs are unsafe, depression, loss of energy, frustration with the amount of time it has taken to get this far. Please visit TroubledTeenHelp.com. I am sorry that you needed to seek us out. By the same token, I am grateful that you are at TroubledTeenHelp.com. The intention here is to continue to offer the thousands of parents who visit our site the troubled teen resources that they can utilize in guiding them through the maze of programs and schools that parents must review in detail. So much information can be both a blessing and a curse. Our site hopefully is a blessing by offering the latest and best information that can assist the parents of troubled teens. Just a few mere decades ago, parents of out-of-control teenagers who fell into self-destructive behavior had few places to turn. TroubledTeenHelp.com lists programs that are committed to bringing harmony and laughter back into the homes of families by offering help for today and hope for tomorrow. With the information provided you can view boys only programs, Christian based programs, holistic treatment centers and much, much more.
TroubledTeenHelp.com is proud to join with today's parents in the fight for our children's future.
TroubledTeenHelp.com provides articles of interest, breaking news, local resources, press releases, visit reports to programs and schools, conference calendar, financial information for parents who need funding for a residential placement and much, much more. What we want to bring to parents and professionals is based only on accurate and up to date information!
Published by Horizon Family Solutions, LLC. Last Updated February 22, 2009.
FREE, LOW TUITION, SLIDING SCALE, AND NO TUITION PROGRAMS FOR ADOLESCENTS AND YOUNG ADULTS These programs went through an initial screening process in order to be accepted on this non-advertising list. The list is updated throughout the year. This list is for parents who are not using the services of an Educational Consultant. $26.00 - Click here to order.
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