The United States has the highest rates of teen pregnancy and births in the western industrialized world.
Teen pregnancy costs the United States at least $7 billion annually. As a teen, finding out that you are pregnant is a life-changing and scary event. As a parent, finding out your teen is pregnant can both shock you and cause despair as you wonder, now what? There are a number of options you can choose from when you find out you are pregnant. You can raise the baby, place the baby for adoption, or you can have an abortion (end the pregnancy). Once you know you are indeed pregnant you will need to think about many factors to make your decision. Be sure to discuss your options with your doctor and with others that you trust. Make your decision as early as possible.When you plan to have the baby obtain prenatal care - this is vital, even if you place your baby for adoption. When you choose to raise the child be prepared for a long-term commitment and build a good support system. When you cannot raise a child but do not want to have an abortion, adoption may be a good option. In an adoption, a child legally gets new parents. A decision to have an abortion needs to be made as early as possible. The type of procedure used and some of the risks involved depend on how long you have been pregnant. The earlier a woman has an abortion, the safer it is.
Abortion is a very personal decision. With both adoption and abortion you may experience a mixture of feelings that may last for a long time. Counseling can help you come to terms with this decision. The effects of teen pregnancy can be difficult to cope with. The decision to raise the child, place the child for adoption, or have an abortion may be very hard for you to make. The sooner you seek advice and help, the better.
There are residential programs available for pregnant teens. These programs serve adolescents in need of a loving & nurturing environment during their time of pregnancy & beyond.
These programs include a home for expectant mothers and a facility to care for new mothers and their child after birth
When you know of someone needing our assistance, or are personally in need, please contact us immediately for a completely confidential assessment of your needs and our capabilities.
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